List your property with us!

Kari Marbella can provide you with a free valuation using methodology from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). The listing of your property usually starts with finding out the market value looking at all the location of your property, size and other characteristics when comparing it to other properties sold in your immediate area.

We will visit your home and explain the listing process and our conditions. We have the technology to do a live listing, which means that we collect all the main information of the property and take a few pictures directly in our smart phone and have the property on the website instantly. Of course we then arrange a second visit with a professional photographer and stage your property in order to show it in the best possible light.

Once we have all legal information, pictures and the asking price we will use our CRM system to share listing with other agencies and real estate portals. We will use our social media platforms and newsletters to our clients in order to reach potential clients.

Every property requires a slightly different approach and we will recommend a strategy for your property.

If you are interested in listing your property and getting a valuation report please fill our the form and we will get in touch with you shortly.

Owner’s info

Property details